LabelRadar Blog

Interview: George Kelly, Label Manager @ Chopshop Music

Written by Team LabelRadar | Nov 24, 2023 3:10:53 PM

We're excited to chat to George Kelly, Label Manager at Chopshop Music, as he shares some important learnings from his journey in the music industry so far. From professional insights, to best practices, this a great read for both aspiring artists and anyone considering launching their own label alike.

Interview with George Kelly:

Question: What initially drew you to the music industry and working at a record label?

George: I used to do edits for my DJ sets. All of my material I played was edited, no matter the genre and a new and exciting sound emerged every night. People would come up and ask me, what is this, what are you playing? Once they found out it was my own work , they would ask my where they can buy and prompted me to release. One thing led to another and soon enough I launched Chopshop Music.

Question: Is there a specific piece of advice you'd give yourself back when you first started in the industry?

Go study the business before actually working for it. It is much better to know what you are getting into in advance that finding out along the way. It saves time and money!

Question: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

George: Being super lucky, because everything would be in my favour. I think it's the ultimate superpower. I could probably sign anybody to our label.

Question: Can you share a mentor or role model who has had a significant influence on your career?

George: DJ and producer Greg Wilson. He was the first that liked what my label and personal productions where about and introduced us to many more acclaimed DJs. He played our stuff worldwide and we owe a big gratitude to him. This past summer we interviewed him for our 15 year birthday, check it our on our website here.

Question: What are the common mistakes artists make when approaching record labels?

George: Indeed there are common mistakes! The most common is sending irrelevant material to the label. Artists should do their due diligence and know what the label is before getting in touch. Also make sure to include your artist name!

Question: How important is an artist's image and branding in today's music industry?

George: Branding and image plays a significant role. At our label we always try to help with that and provide our artists with solutions and support in various fields so they can focus to do what they do best.

Question: What are the qualities you look for in an artist's demo or EP before considering signing them?

George: I really want to hear something new and fresh. I also look for a well balanced sound. Most importantly I need to see that the artist is hungry for getting released and is committed to his work.

Question: How hard/easy is it to get signed these days?

George: It is far easier than what it used to be 15 or more years ago. Emails, social media, and platforms like LabelRadar make it much easier to get in touch with someone you think might be interested in your work. Just make sure your sound fits the label!

Question: Which artists have you signed from LabelRadar?

George: We have actually signed a few exciting and promising producers. Paul Parker, AISKA, D-Manic, Angelina Cali just to name a few!

Question: How does LabelRadar help the music discovery process for you?

George: It is very easy to navigate, listen and leave feedback. It has been added to our daily routine.

Thanks for talking with us George!

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